When it comes to finding an employer of record Singapore, there are a few things you need to know. First and foremost, not every company can act as your employer of record. To qualify, the company must be registered with the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and have a valid work permit for your position.
Steps To Finding The Right Company
Once you’ve found a qualified company, they will help you through the process of setting up your payroll and filing all necessary paperwork on your behalf. This includes registering for social security numbers and processing any visa applications or changes required.
It’s important to note that while an employer of record is responsible for handling all aspects of your pay and benefits, you are still considered an employee of the company. This means that you are still responsible for your own taxes, benefits, and pension plans if the employer of record doesn’t handle them.
To find an individual or business in Singapore who can act as your employer of record, it’s helpful to consult a recruitment agency with experience finding employment for ex-pats from outside of Asia.
The best recruiters will have connections within top companies throughout the country and know exactly what qualifications employers look for when hiring employees from other countries.
They’ll help you through every step of the process – including answering any questions about life in Singapore – so all you need to worry about is working hard!