Home Business Palm Tree Solar Led Street Light: An Incredible Product For Commercial Needs

Palm Tree Solar Led Street Light: An Incredible Product For Commercial Needs

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A lot has been written on why we should switch to cleaner, renewable sources of energy. Wind, sun, hydro power, and geothermal energy, are some of the common examples. Solar energy, of course, has a few advantages. In the last couple of decades, the solutions and technologies used for harnessing solar energy have increased manifold, and it is no longer as complicated and expensive to use solar street light for different commercial projects. Shenzhen Moonlight Technology Limited, which is based out of china, has come up with Palm Tree Solar Led Street Light, which promises to take solar street lighting to the next level. In this post, we are reviewing the advantages of Palm Tree Solar Led Street Light.

  • Foldable design. The biggest advantage of Palm Tree Solar Led Street Light is the design, which allows to adjust the solar panels, so that maximum sunlight can be harnessed.
  • Heat Dissipation. Probably the foremost reason to switch to this product is Heat Dissipation. For the longest time, solar street lights were considered to be inefficient, primarily because the panels would heat up the other components of the product, causing damage to batteries and lights. However, this integrated solar street light from Shenzhen Moonlight Technology Limited, is designed in such a way that the panels do not impact the overall working or shelf-life of other components.

  • With larger solar panels, you get the advantage of maximizing the use of sunlight, which is again very desirable for commercial projects and street lighting needs in particular. Palm Tree Solar Led Street Light harnesses power better than most products in the same category. Also, if you are looking for 40W 60W 80W 100W 120W”: 100W solar street light, you will find all the choices.
  • Not to forget, Palm Tree Solar Led Street Light is easily mountable. There is no need for any cables or wires, and the whole process of installation can be done in just two simple steps.
  • Finally, the product comes with four modes that can be controlled remotely, making this an ideal solution for street lighting. Also, this can be considered for large-scale industrial areas, where there is a need for customized street lighting.

If you want to know more on Palm Tree Solar Led Street Light, please refer to the website of Shenzhen Moonlight Technology Limited. They have given a fair idea of the design and features through images.

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