Home Business What you Should Know Before your Rent a Snow Machine

What you Should Know Before your Rent a Snow Machine

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Whenever you think of snow, you may think of the snowball fights, the holidays, the cold weather, and other good things. The snow also creates a picture-perfect setting and you will be glad to know you can create artificial snow anytime of the year for your special events. The snow will appear in less-than-ideal natural snow temperatures using a unique technology. It only requires you to rent a snow machine. The cost of renting this machine can vary widely depending on the kind of machine you have to rent and the amount of snow you need it to make.This machine can create snow by using just water and electricity. From 50 tons to 200 tons or more of snow, a snow machine can make the right amount of snow that fits your desired event scenarios.

How a Snow Machine Work

Snowmaking is not a new concept. However, today’s manufacturers utilize revolutionary methods with the help of state-of-the-art snowmaking technology. The technology freezes water particles to make snow crystals. It can produce up to 200 tons of snow that look and feel realistic.  Companies that rent out a snow machine will come to your location, examine it, and design a snow park that includes layout, crowd control, and drainage.

Things to Consider When Planning a Snow Project

Before you look for a snow machine rental, there are things you must look into. These include the following:

  • Kind of space you must work with. Do you want to use a big room in a family entertainment center? Or are you using an entire football field or amusement park? Is your space indoor or outdoor?
  • Kind of activities you want to offer. Typically, snow play areas are smaller ones for making snow angels or building snow castles. And you will need more space for activities such as skiing, snow tubing, or snowboarding lessons.
  • The number of days you need snow for. It is imperative to decide how long your project will last. Do you want a temporary installation for promotion? Or do you want to make a permanent snow park to generate continuous revenue? You must invest in a heavy-duty, commercial-grade snow machine if you need snow day-in and day-out.
  • Air temperature. This is an important consideration because snow tends to melt at different rates.
  • Amount of snow you need. To know how much snow you need, you must consider the size of the space, the activities you wish to offer, the ambient temperature, and the length of the project.
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